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Combat fungal disease with confidence using Belanty

Growers across Australia now have a global DMI standard in fungal disease control and resistance management this season, thanks to novel formulation chemistry from BASF.

Being fast-acting and long-lasting, Belanty is a breakthrough DMI fungicide with a unique chemical structure that gives excellent control against powdery mildew in wine and table grapes. It is registered for use against black spot, powdery mildew and Alternaria suppression in apples. Belanty is now registered for use in Almonds for Blossom Blight and suppression of Leaf rust, Shot Hole, and Hull Rot, and in Macadamias for Husk Spot.

“Belanty is an exciting advance in crop protection, giving growers more confidence and flexibility in producing top quality fruit that meets strict market specifications,” said Serge Usatov, Horticulture Portfolio Manager at BASF Australia. “So many factors are beyond our control, but Belanty not only does everything an old DMI would do but has also been formulated specifically to meet today’s consumer and environmental expectations.”  

The fungicide has fast plant uptake, resulting in excellent rainfastness, then the active ingredient is slowly released into the leaf tissue, which gives longer residual activity. Importantly, Belanty has a broader application window than other DMIs, and maximum residue limits (MRLs) have already been approved for export to the EU.

“Belanty is the only DMI fungicide of its type and features innovative chemistry that enables it to bind tightly to fungal pathogens within the plant cells. You only get one chance a year at growing a profitable crop, so you want to get it right,” added Usatov.

The active ingredient in Belanty is Revysol (mefentrifluconazole), a new molecule first discovered by BASF, and subsequently registered in major markets worldwide, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

“The molecule’s ability to change shape once inside the plant tissue means it can control pathogen strains that are resistant to traditional DMI fungicides,” said Mark Dicks, Senior Technical Services Specialist, BASF Australia. “All other DMI molecules to date have been rigid. Revysol is flexible and adaptable. With DMI resistance developing worldwide, this is a critical characteristic that will help producers better manage their spray programs to reduce the risk of resistance and assist in prolonging the efficacy of existing chemistry.”

For grapes, up to three alternating or two consecutive applications per season of Belanty at 80 mL/100 L water are recommended as part of a complete disease control program for powdery mildew.

Belanty must be applied to grapes as a preventative disease spray program, prior to disease infection periods.

As with any Group 3 fungicide, it is important to rotate chemistry groups to reduce disease resistance in the crop, per the Croplife Australia Resistance Management Strategy.

Purchase Belanty between 1- 31 December 2022 and earn double reward points!

You can find out more about Belanty at


Source: BASF

To be eligible for the 2 x Points Offer, the Nutrien Rewards Member must purchase Belanty Fungicide from any Nutrien Ag Solutions store that is part of the Nutrien Rewards Program between 1 –31 December 2022 (inclusive). This Promotion is valid to Nutrien Rewards Members Nationally. Points will be applied to the Member’s Nutrien Rewards account the following month.

Disclaimer: No one should rely upon the information contained in this article without appropriate professional advice regarding relevant factors specific to your situation such as environmental conditions. Always read and follow label directions before using any product in this article.