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Curb your rodent problem with double points on Goodnature Smart Traps

3rd June 2024

Rodents are bad news.

They cause damage to property, leading to costly repairs and potential safety hazards. They carry diseases and contaminate food and water supplies. In Australia, they pose a huge risk to agricultural infrastructure, with one Australian farmer citing a $130,000 loss in grain due to the mouse plague in 2021, despite perimeter baiting and laying traditional traps around the property.

In one survey of over 1000 farmers, a third of them estimated grain and fodder losses between $50,000 and $150,000 due to mice damage.

Rodent damage is devastating for Australians and their property; however, the traditional methods of rat baiting can be just as devastating for domestic and native animals, and local ecosystems.

Traditional rodenticides can directly harm native wildlife such as possums and bandicoots, however harm many more through ‘secondary poisoning’. Secondary poisoning happens when other animals, such as birds, ingest the rat poison, and then those animals are eaten by predators, meaning the rodenticide passes up the food chain. This has a disastrous impact on ecosystems and can have consequences for domestic pets and livestock.

Goodnature A24 Smart Traps are safe, effective, and 100% toxin-free. They automatically reset themselves, killing pests one after another, and they deliver an instant and humane kill.

It's a fairly simple method. Smart Traps attract rodents with a sweet-smelling lure, and once the trap detects a rodent inside, it fires the trap, knocking the pest on the head for an instant kill. After this, the trap automatically resets to continue attracting pests.

Smart Traps are made to be used anywhere. They are designed for use on hardworking farms but are safe enough for backyard use around kids and pets, and in both instances support rewilding.

When a Goodnature trap kills a rodent, it is often then eaten by birds, cats, and other predators, promoting a more sustainable food chain.

It’s pretty smart – but it gets even smarter.

The Goodnature Smart Cap monitors the trap 24/7, and records data each time a pest is killed: including the day, time, and air temperature. Using Bluetooth, this data can be accessed via the Goodnature app, giving the user a holistic view of the performance of their trap, and details around when rats are most active. It also sends an alert when the paste or CO2 needs replenishing, so the user can ensure constant pest control.

Gallagher’s General Manager for Australia, Rod Johnson, is excited about the product, explaining that, “being another smart solution to protect your propety and equipment, Goodnature is long-term, automatic pest control made easy. With 24/7 monitoring, you know what your trap has been up to. The Smart Cap keeps count of each mouse or rat your trap has killed. Even if you haven't seen any pests under your trap, you know how many you’re catching. The Goodnature app also notifies you when you need to replace your lure and CO2 gas, keeping your trap fresh and ready for action”.


In June and July, Nutrien Rewards customers can earn double points on their purchase of Goodnature A24 Smart Traps.

If you haven’t tried Smart Traps before, now’s the time. Not only is it the safer and more human way to trap rodents, but it’s also more effective and low maintenance.

They can be used around the store and on farms, as well as in the back yard. Goodnature Smart Traps are the convenient, reliable way to curb rodents around your property.

You can learn more about Goodnature Smart Traps here; Goodnature Smart Traps | Gallagher Australia 



*The Gallagher Goodnature A24 Smart Trap double points promotion is valid nationally to Nutrien Rewards Members. To be eligible for the double points offer, the Nutrien Rewards member must purchase Gallagher A24 Smart Trap from any Nutrien Ag Solutions store that is part of the Nutrien Rewards Program between 1 June to 31 July 2024 (inclusive) using their Nutrien Account. Points will be applied to the Member’s Nutrien Rewards account the following month. Please see Nutrien Rewards Terms and Conditions for more details.

The information provided in this article is intended as a guide only. Information contained in this article has been provided by the manufacturer/ You should not rely on the information in this article, and it should not be considered advice. You should seek professional advice regarding relevant factors specific to your situation. This article does not take into account variable conditions that may impact performance. Always read and follow label directions before using any product in this article. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited and its related associated entities will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person arising out of any reliance on any information contained in this article.