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Nufarm Terrad’or: the next-generation Group 14 spike has landed

Nufarm’s Terrad’or is already proving a success story across the country, only two years since its launch.  


Developed by Nufarm in Australia, Terrad’or is a 700g/kg formulation of tiafenacil. Since launching in 2021, it’s gained a name as the next generation of Group 14 herbicides, thanks to its performance on notoriously hard-to-kill weeds. 


The results speak for themselves, according to Steven Ruddy, Agronomist at Nutrien Dalby. “From an efficacy point of view, Terrad’or has been really good. We were looking for better control with our fallow weed management, and that’s exactly what we got,” said Ruddy. “In the past we would use Sharpen, oxyfluorfen or 2,4-D products and we weren’t getting the control we wanted. Terrad’or is giving us better control and noticeably faster brown-down. It’s also really simple to use and it’s consistent. In the past, we’ve had variable results and a bit of antagonism with 2,4-D products – Terrad’or doesn’t give us any of that.” 


Double-knock to get ahead of glyphosate resistance 


Resistance to glyphosate is building in a number of cropping areas across Australia, and growers are looking at alternative groups of chemistry to strengthen their programs. That’s why resistance management was a key priority for Nufarm in the development process, and Terrad’or’s label reflects a significant investment in trials across multiple seasons and in-field conditions.  


With excellent results across both broadleaf weeds and grasses, Terrad’or is giving growers the edge they need over glyphosate resistance. But growers are also seeing a lot of value using it to get ahead of resistance before it becomes a problem. The ideal application is in combination with a double-knock control strategy, with either a glyphosate or paraquat mix partner. This approach has delivered excellent results for growers, said Ruddy. 


“We’ve been using Terrad’or in mixes with paraquat for double-knocks as well and it does a very good job on grasses and milk thistle. It’s something we’ll continue doing in the future, particularly coming into winter planting. It gets in before the weeds can get established and starts off the crop in good shape,” he said. 


No residual activity and short plant-backs 


Terrad’or also offers greater flexibility for growers of cereals and pulses, with no residual activity and one-hour plant-backs for wheat, lupins, lentils, sorghum, barley, faba beans and chickpeas, as well as a one-week plant-back for canola at 15-20g/ha rates. 


“It’s a really good fit for a lot of growers in this area because of the short plant-backs before wheat, barley and sorghum,” said Ruddy. “It’s as good if not better than comparable products, with the added benefit of being really simple to use. It gives us more flexibility with planting options and it doesn’t lock us out of any crops when we’re using it.” 


Terrad’or’s versatility is also seeing it overtake a lot of other chemistry in certain scenarios, according to Ruddy. “It’s a great fit for killing fallow weeds where we’ve got a mixture of radish, milk thistle and medic – it does a good job when there’s a combination of weeds. In some places I can see it replacing oxyfluorfen or 2,4-D products, absolutely.” 


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