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Giving your horse the best start in life

Preparing your foal for a healthy life begins at conception, through gestation and into their first few years of growth. The right nutrition in pregnant mares reduces complications at birth.

Likewise, the correct diet for foals reduces their risk of Developmental Orthopaedic Diseases (DOD), ensuring they grow up to be healthy and sound horses.

Pregnant mare feeding tips

From 1 month to 7/8 months: 

  • Increase vitamins and minerals but not calories

From 8 months to 11/12 months:

  • Increase calories and trace minerals in the last three months of gestation for vital foal bone and cartilage development

Throughout pregnancy:

  • Provide your pregnant mare with access to clean water and salt.
  • When in doubt ask an equine nutritionist
  • Know your pregnant mare's body condition score.

A Barastoc body conditioning score above 4 adds unnecessary weight to their limbs. You can find this tool and others here.

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