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Multimin improves lamb survival and weaning performance

Lamb health is critical to ensuring survival, growth, and performance. It is therefore important to give them the best start to life. A recent study* performed on a number of sheep properties in Australia has shown that using a Multimin program can increase lamb marking percentages and weaning weights.

 The study, published in Animal Production in Australia, followed two groups of ewes. The only difference between the groups was that one group was given a dose of Multimin Injection Plus Copper for Sheep a month before joining, and another dose a month before lambing. The second, control group, were given no Multimin, but were otherwise managed in the same way. The results reported a 9% increase in lambs marked from Multimin treated ewes, compared to those born from untreated ewes. These same lambs then went on to average 2.3 kg heavier at weaning compared to control animals.*

 Local sheep producer Chris Bruty from Beaufort, one of the participants in the trial, saw the most outstanding results, with a 16% increase in marking rate in the Multimin group, compared to the control group.

“The marking increase was an impressive start, but after the trial finished, we continued with the Multimin program and noticed that the treated group were 5.3 kg heavier at sale!”

Dr Graham Lean, Principal Consultant at Agrivet Business Consulting has evaluated these results from a financial point of view.

“Using Multimin Plus Copper for Sheep results in marking 9% more lambs that were 2.3 kg heavier at weaning. Combined, this resulted in a stunning profit of $23 per ewe treated, after subtracting the costs of Multimin and labour. This analysis suggests that Multimin should be used in all Merino and Prime Lamb flocks.”

The effects of Multimin on lamb performance can be attributed to its ability to rapidly provide the four key trace minerals required to improve ewe and lamb health, which in turn translates into a measurable improvement in marking percentage and optimised lamb growth.

For more information about Multimin for your flock, contact your local Nutrien branch or local Virbac representative.


*Gonzalez-Rivas P.A., Swaney S., Evans R., Chambers M., Liu J. (2021) Effect of a trace mineral injection before joining and lambing on conception rate, marking rate and lamb weights in diverse farms in Victoria. Animal Production in Australia 33, cxxviii. Benefits outlined in this scientific trial are not necessarily registered label claims.