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Cost-effective, biological yield-building in pulse crops
Nodulaid® is Australia's leading peat inoculant, known for its groundbreaking innovations and consistent performance.
Pre-em solution for hard-to-control volunteer canola
Glyphosate-tolerant, self-sown canola can be difficult to manage in the fallow phase ahead of cereals but there is a flexible pre-emergent option showing excellent results.
Chromium, the new essential trace mineral solution.
Discover the benefits of chromium for cattle health and productivity. Learn how this essential trace mineral enhances immune function, stress resilience, and metabolic efficiency, ensuring healthier, more productive herds.

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Reap the benefits of being a Nutrien Rewards member
Complete the online registration form and apply to become a part of the Nutrien Rewards program and start reaping the benefits of your membership. Once your membership has been confirmed you’ll see how simple it is to begin earning Nutrien Rewards points and redeeming rewards.

Earning Points

Earn Nutrien Rewards points by purchasing from our participating products range
Whether you’re purchasing crop chemicals, seed, or animal health products, we’ve teamed up with over 20 partners in the industry that you can earn points with. Click on the button below to find out what products you can collect points with and how many points each product is worth. You can talk to your Nutrien Agronomist for more information on how to maximise your points.

Using Points

Rewarding yourself has never been this easy
Nutrien Rewards is all about making it easy to be rewarded for your hard work. From anytime live redemptions to our points+pay feature allowing you to redeem sooner and direct deliveries to your door, it really has never been easier to reward yourself.