News & Updates


Double rewards for CLiK™ Extra and Zolvix™ Plus during September
Treating sheep early in the season with an effective and long lasting chemical prevents fly numbers from building up by removing the host environment required for flies to reproduce.
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Gain Greater Fertiliser Efficiency with Basis® XC
Growers who incorporate Basis® XC into their farm plans can see their fertiliser investment and their nutrients go further, often with increased fertiliser efficiency each season.
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Preparing for weaner sales – getting heavier calves to market
While pasture quality and quantity is extremely important for calf growth, other factors, such as internal parasites, can have negative effects on growth.
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Throw the Box & Dice at your Pastures this Winter
Our Winter Pastures Programs are designed to streamline the mixing and application processes. These simple one-pass solutions are proven to boost quality dry matter growth over winter months.
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Your botryticide is only as good as your LBAM management
Natural predators are a great asset when control light brown apple moth, and infection points for botrytis. Choose your LBAM control wisely.
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Fail to plan, plan to fail at botrytis management
When it comes to protecting grapes from botrytis the choice of fungicide groups is quite limited. There’s even fewer choices at or around 80% capfall.
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Landmark Rewards – A Rewarding Way to Grow
Landmark Rewards is all about making it easy to be rewarded for your hard work, with the ability to earn points through everyday business activities.
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New Generation Grass Weed Control with all the Confidence of Old
You might remember AXIAL’s entry into the market back in 2006 – and it has stood the test of time as a post-emergent grass selective herbicide.
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Early-season Powdery Mildew Control Delivers Clean Harvest
Agronomists from Adelaide’s grape regions found that there was noticeably less powdery mildew among those vines treated with MIRAVIS® in vintage 2019.
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